Recording axis can be moved by 11 mm. The lens has a built-in filter turret with skylight, yellow and orange filters, a filter film holder on the rear lens and the lens hood is also built in. Lens number (groups/elements): 10 -11.
Shortest setting distance: 0.3 m. Dimensions: 92.5 x 80mm. The condition information refers to the cosmetic condition of the item and is marked from AA (like -), to A+ (as good as new), A (slightly used), B (normally used), C (very heavily used) to D (extreme signs of wear). Unless there is a "DEF" (defect) or "LIN" (lens damage) behind the condition statement, all goods are in technically perfect condition and have been checked by me as far as possible.
Defects or damage will also be mentioned separately in the description if they are known. Additional accessories that are not shown will not and cannot be included as they are not available.